
open class EGLLogWrapper : EGL11


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constructor(egl: EGL, configFlags: Int, log: Writer)


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val EGL_ALPHA_FORMAT: Int = 12424
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val EGL_ALPHA_SIZE: Int = 12321
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val EGL_BAD_ACCESS: Int = 12290
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val EGL_BAD_ALLOC: Int = 12291
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val EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE: Int = 12292
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val EGL_BAD_CONFIG: Int = 12293
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val EGL_BAD_CONTEXT: Int = 12294
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val EGL_BAD_DISPLAY: Int = 12296
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val EGL_BAD_MATCH: Int = 12297
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val EGL_BAD_PARAMETER: Int = 12300
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val EGL_BAD_SURFACE: Int = 12301
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val EGL_BLUE_SIZE: Int = 12322
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val EGL_BUFFER_SIZE: Int = 12320
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val EGL_COLORSPACE: Int = 12423
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val EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT: Int = 12327
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val EGL_CONFIG_ID: Int = 12328
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val EGL_CONTEXT_LOST: Int = 12302
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val EGL_DEPTH_SIZE: Int = 12325
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val EGL_DONT_CARE: Int = -1
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val EGL_DRAW: Int = 12377
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val EGL_EXTENSIONS: Int = 12373
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val EGL_GREEN_SIZE: Int = 12323
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val EGL_HEIGHT: Int = 12374
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val EGL_LEVEL: Int = 12329
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val EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE: Int = 12349
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val EGL_NONE: Int = 12344
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val EGL_READ: Int = 12378
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val EGL_RED_SIZE: Int = 12324
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val EGL_RENDER_BUFFER: Int = 12422
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val EGL_RGB_BUFFER: Int = 12430
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val EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS: Int = 12338
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val EGL_SAMPLES: Int = 12337
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val EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER: Int = 12421
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val EGL_SLOW_CONFIG: Int = 12368
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val EGL_STENCIL_SIZE: Int = 12326
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val EGL_SUCCESS: Int = 12288
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val EGL_SURFACE_TYPE: Int = 12339
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val EGL_VENDOR: Int = 12371
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val EGL_VERSION: Int = 12372
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val EGL_WIDTH: Int = 12375
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open fun eglChooseConfig(display: EGLDisplay, attrib_list: Array<Int>, configs: Array<EGLConfig>, config_size: Int, num_config: Array<Int>): Boolean
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open fun eglCopyBuffers(display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface, native_pixmap: Any): Boolean
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open fun eglCreateContext(display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, share_context: EGLContext, attrib_list: Array<Int>): EGLContext
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open fun eglCreatePbufferSurface(display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, attrib_list: Array<Int>): EGLSurface
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open fun eglCreatePixmapSurface(display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, native_pixmap: Any, attrib_list: Array<Int>): EGLSurface
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open fun eglCreateWindowSurface(display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, native_window: Any, attrib_list: Array<Int>): EGLSurface
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open fun eglDestroyContext(display: EGLDisplay, context: EGLContext): Boolean
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open fun eglDestroySurface(display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface): Boolean
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open fun eglGetConfigAttrib(display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, attribute: Int, value: Array<Int>): Boolean
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open fun eglGetConfigs(display: EGLDisplay, configs: Array<EGLConfig>, config_size: Int, num_config: Array<Int>): Boolean
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open fun eglGetCurrentSurface(readdraw: Int): EGLSurface
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open fun eglGetDisplay(native_display: Any): EGLDisplay
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open fun eglGetError(): Int
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open fun eglInitialize(display: EGLDisplay, major_minor: Array<Int>): Boolean
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open fun eglMakeCurrent(display: EGLDisplay, draw: EGLSurface, read: EGLSurface, context: EGLContext): Boolean
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open fun eglQueryContext(display: EGLDisplay, context: EGLContext, attribute: Int, value: Array<Int>): Boolean
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open fun eglQueryString(display: EGLDisplay, name: Int): String
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open fun eglQuerySurface(display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface, attribute: Int, value: Array<Int>): Boolean
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open fun eglSwapBuffers(display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface): Boolean
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open fun eglTerminate(display: EGLDisplay): Boolean
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open fun eglWaitGL(): Boolean
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open fun eglWaitNative(engine: Int, bindTarget: Any): Boolean
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open fun getErrorString(error: Int): String